WE ARE COMMITTED TO THESafe and Efficient Operations
Brooge Energy strives to prevent all accidents, incidents, hazards to staff and surrounding community and to protect the environment by

Training and Education
Providing training and job specific education to all employees based on international standards, procedures and instructions.

Emergency Response
Being prepared for a swift and efficient response to emergency situations to mitigate the impact or potential impact if they may occur.

Safe and Healthy Environment
Providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and contractors with adequate facilities and protective assets and equipment.

Environment Impact
Using the natural resources and energy efficiently, preventing pollution and raising the employees and contractor’s awareness to minimize the adverse impact on the environment.

HSSE Management System
Operating a sound HSSE management system, where competencies, accountability, responsibilities and communication channels are clearly outlined.

HSSE Culture
Promoting HSSE culture at all levels in the Brooge Energy organization and to manage this culture similarly as any other critical business activity.

Safe Operations
Designing, building, maintaining and utilize services in such a manner that they are safe to operate avoiding the risk of hazards to people and the environment

Risks and Hazards
Identifying and analyzing potential hazards and security risks and implement mitigating control measurements to avoid, control and restrict the associated risks.

Laws and Regulations
Compliance to all applicable laws and regulations and to apply international best practices where standards are not available.

Quality Management System
Engaging with both existing customers and prospective customers to understand their Quality Management Systems requirements and collaborating with them to implement a Quality Management System that meets both their requirements and our standards for safety and operations.

Risk identification
Implementing risk-based thinking and identifying the root cause of non-conformity and subsequently taking corrective action.

Timely Delivery
Providing timely delivery services to our clients.

Objectives & KPIs
Establishing objectives, KPIs to improve the process of Quality Management system continually.

Performace Evaluation
Systematically monitoring and evaluating the performance of External providers to ensure they meet our quality standards.

Operations Monitoring
Monitoring and evaluating product operations, processes and quality using both internal staff and independent third parties.

Periodic Training
Providing periodic training to the staff to help them understand the importance of Quality Management System.

Meeting Requirements & Standards
Meeting applicable regulatory, statutory and contractual requirements and relevant national and international standards.

Enhaced Satisfaction
Working with customers to deliver services as requested and products as specified to enhance customer satisfaction.

Quality Management
Developing and improving the Quality Management System continually.